Do you ever watch a movie or read a book, and see yourself in the character? Sometimes we relate with fictional characters because they are dramatizing our patterns of behaviors and using the same motivations we would use. This is so helpful for identifying and working out your enneagram type and those of others as well. Today, let’s discuss enneagram type two, and fictional characters.

Twos can often be found as the supporting role in many fictional tales. This is probably because they are naturally helpful characters and fit well as the sidekick, or best friend sort. However, there are times when a Two gets a great lead role.


Jane Austen’s Emma, could be considered a type two. She is constantly concerned with the well-being of others, their feelings, and happiness. This motivates her to even try her hand at match-making several times. She is proud in thinking that she knows what is best for everyone else, and in turn neglects her own happiness and well-being.

A type two’s passion, or “deadly sin,” is pride. The kind of pride that Emma shows time and time again. It leans on the self-righteous side and takes a great deal to overcome.

Twos are always befriending people and taking care of them. Emma goes out of her way frequently to care for the people in her community that need the most help.

Molly Weasley

Enneagram Type 2 and fictional characters

Molly Weasley embodies the warmth and welcome of the type two. She makes Harry feel right at home and eagerly strives to meet all of his needs. She helps Harry find the platform and king cross station, which is only the beginning of her efforts to show her care through helping. Molly makes sure that Harry gets a hand knitted sweater on Christmas, just because he is a friend of her son, Ron!

This type 2 is is endlessly serving her busy family, and never thinking of herself. She knows where everyone is at any given time, and exactly what each person needs.

Peeta Mellark

Peeta’s devotion to Katniss is legendary. It is this quality that keeps him hoping, and keeps them both alive. He is also self-sacrificing, a known two quality. He thinks of her above himself, even from the beginning.

Peeta throws her the exact life-line she needs, at he moment she needs it, and saves her and her families lives by his simple generosity.

We see Peeta quite literally become “martyr-like” willing to die in place of Katniss. Few of us face death threats so literally and for a two their martyr like quality only shows up when they are in a bad place. When a two is stressed and down, they will take their self-righteousness to an unhealthy level.

What is most important to the type to is reciprocity. They want what’s due to them. If they have been there for you, they want you to be there for them. If they have sacrificed, they expect that same sacrifice.

Have you seen a little of yourself or someone you love in the type two characters?

Maybe you have thought of a few type two fictional characters that we could add to the list… Feel free to comment.

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5 words each enneagram type needs to hear most

Below is a video course for beginners who are just learning the enneagram.

It covers all of the basics including:

An overview of all nine types


Centers of Intelligence

Stress and Security Moves for each type

And much more…

It’s great to know your type, but even better to understand all nine types. The Video Course above will help you do just that. Not only will this help you understand the ways of seeing the world, but it helps you solidify your own type by viewing it next to the way others see things.

I highly recommend learning the enneagram alongside a friend or with a group. This is a fun way to understand each other, but also to help each other grow.

Grab the bundle below that includes a simple quiz for each type as well as a beautiful full overview for each type so you really get a good idea of what your type looks like. (the bundle also pairs well with the video course)!

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I’m Kelly!

Welcome to Let’s Inspire Today, my cozy corner of the internet dedicated to inspiring you whether you are looking for enneagram wisdom and resources, or support to live in community while you develop personally, spiritually, and mentally. Here, I invite you to join me on a journey of creativity, growth, and inspiration as we figure this crazy life out together!

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